Frequently asked questions:

What is FLOTATION therapy?

Flotation therapy also know as sensory deprivation takes place in a 4' x 8' enclosed tank or pod, filled with 10-12" of water heated to your skin temperature (93-94 degrees) and 900 pounds of dissolved Epsom salt. You enter the tank after taking a complete shower to remove any excess body oil and dirt, when you enter there will be a light on inside of the tank controlled by a switch that you can turned on and off as needed.  The purpose of flotation therapy is to ease mental anxiety and muscle tension. With the absence of physical distractions and sensations you are able to reach a very meditative and relaxed state of consciousness.


Why float?

Floating has been studies and shown to have benefits to aid anxiety, depression, PTSD, chronic pain, sleep issues, greater self awareness. By depriving the five senses of stimulation your body has a chance to reach a neutral state and relax into deep meditative theta brain waves the are conducive to better learning and overall functioning in daily life.


How do you clean the tanks?

Each person is required to shower thoroughly prior to entering the float tank. Between each session we inspect the tank, then it goes through three cycles of filtration and is further sanitized with ozone. The saline environment makes it incredibly difficult for organisms to survive and furthermore since 1954 when floating started there are no reported cases of contamination.

Do I have to be a particular height or weight to float?

No. The high concentration of salt in the water makes virtually any human body buoyant enough to float without any effort. However, guests who are over 7-feet tall or heavier than 500 pounds may have difficulty getting in and out of the tank.

How hard is it to float?

Not at all. The salt in the water does all of the work for you. In fact, you don’t even need to know how to swim.

Is it safe to sleep in a floatation tank?

Yes. Since it takes no effort at all to float on your back, there’s little to no danger of drowning. So guests can fully relax without worrying about dozing off.

How many other people will be in the tank with me?

No one. Float sessions are a private experience.

What should I wear?

Nothing. You are in a private room by yourself. Clothing will press and stick to skin, which can be a distraction from achieving a fully relaxed state.

Can I eat before a float session?

You can, but you probably shouldn’t eat a heavy meal beforehand. The sounds and feeling of your digestive tract can be a distraction, but so can a growling stomach. It’s recommended to eat a few hours before your session and avoid caffeine at least an hour prior to your float as well.

Who should not use a floatation tank?

  • Anyone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol

  • Anyone has an open wound or piercing within the past 1-3 months or tattoo in the past 4-6 weeks.

  • Anyone who has an infectious disease, or gastrointestinal infection within the last 14 days

  • Anyone with epilepsy that is not controlled and has not consulted a doctor prior to floating

  • Anyone who has used spray tan within 48 hours

  • Anyone who has recently dyed their hair or water does not run clear in the shower (or leaves traces of dye on a towel)

  • If you suffer from severe psychological conditions please consult your medical provider prior to floating.

  • If you are unable to enter or exit the tank on your own you will need to bring someone with you to assist you.

  • Women in their third trimester of pregnancy should consult their physicians before floating.

Can I float while pregnant?

Yes! Floating is a great way to get mental and physical relief while pregnant. Many woman have even reported profound experiences while floating pregnant. We do recommend women in their 3rd trimester consult their doctor prior to floating.

can I float while menstruating?

Similar to using a swimming pool, it is possible for woman to float while menstruating as long as they insert a clean tampon or menstrual cup to contain the flow.

can i float if i have dyed my hair?

You are able to float if you have dyed hair, but the water running through your hair in the shower at home must be clear. If there is any color in the water you cannot float.